What is the height of the levee wall?

The final height of the levee wall varies. From Baywinds Park to the Beach Park Boulevard/Foster City Boulevard intersection, the final height of the wall, including wall cap, is 3.5 feet above the walking surface. For most of the remaining levee structure, the final height of the wall is 2.5-to-3.5 feet or less above the

2024-02-29T12:41:31-08:00February 28th, 2024|

What is the finished width of the levee trail?

The finished Levee Trail consists of a 12-foot asphalt concrete path, plus a four-foot decomposed granite shoulder on the bay side, and a two-foot decomposed granite shoulder on the inboard (land) side (totaling 18-feet width) with a few exceptions.

2024-02-28T16:55:57-08:00February 28th, 2024|

What is the current status of Foster City’s flood hazard classification according to FEMA?

The FEMA seclusion zone designation is ‘indefinite.’ However, in February 2024, the City submitted a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) request with supporting documentation based on the as-constructed levee system that asks FEMA to return the flood hazard classification within Foster City limits to moderate risk – Zone X Protected by Levee. This process may

2024-02-29T12:42:06-08:00February 28th, 2024|

What type of erosion is anticipated along the levee trail?

The asphalt is expected to wear under normal conditions of use; Erosion of the material along the edges of the trail (the decomposed granite (DG)) is actively being monitored by the City. To extend the life of the DG surface, please remain within the designated bounds of the trail.  Use the designated access points to

2024-02-29T12:45:16-08:00February 28th, 2024|

What work was completed around the Belmont Slough?

The new Egress bridge (near Rock Harbor Lane) and Baffin bridge were constructed to provide a permanent connection between Foster City and Belmont/Redwood Shores and Foster City and San Mateo for pedestrians and cyclists. Construction of the bridges has restored tidal action in the Belmont Slough, a condition of the project’s BCDC permit.  The restoration

2024-02-29T12:46:00-08:00February 28th, 2024|
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