The project will maintain FEMA accreditation of the levee and protect Foster City homes, schools, businesses, and essential City services and infrastructure during storms and high tides, and from future sea level rise. The improved levee will be more resistant to earthquake damage, and will prevent FEMA designation of the City as a flood zone, thus avoiding requirements for homeowners to purchase expensive, permanent flood insurance.
The project includes associated redevelopment and widening of the Levee/Bay Trail, which will provide the community with an enhanced, more inviting recreation destination, maintaining the natural beauty of the levee and our scenic views. The improvements are designed to enhance levee trail access, usability, and landscaping for walkers, runners and cyclists.
The as-built condition of the newly constructed Levee provides resilience against the 100-year flood hazard (stillwater and wave runup) with 3 feet of sea level rise (SLR). The State released updated science and policy guidelines in January 2024. According to those guidelines, 3 feet (1m) of SLR represents “a reasonable upper bound for the most likely range of sea level rise by 2100.”